Monday, November 25, 2013

All Things New

A couple of weeks ago our high school youth group went on a retreat that was called Unstoppable. We talked about how God takes us and makes us unstoppable through our faith even though sometimes we might not think that it is possible. For me this was extremely important because without even realizing it I had fallen off of the path God had set out for me. Now it wasn't an intentional misstep, it usually isn't. But through complacency some basic laziness on my part I began to settle for decent things, but not necessarily God things. Through the whole thing I just began to write down thoughts I was having and I pieced them all together. I also am going to say some of this on Sunday during our youth worship service, so I sort of based the whole thing around the song All Things New by Elevation Worship, so Enjoy!

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says that you have been made new by God. Every single one of you who have accepted Christ into your heart is a new creation, you are no longer defined by what you were or what you did, but by what God is doing in you. You are free from all of the sin and the weights. You don't have to be held back anymore by your past experiences. So let them go, give it all to God because He doesn't want you to hold on to them any longer. Remember that no matter how far away you seem from God, or how long you've been running away, or how many times you've turned your back and went on your own path, God is always ready to take you back with open arms. You are never too far gone to go back to God. God's love isn't conditional and it won't run out on you. And there's nowhere that you can go where He can't reach you. God is just waiting for you to run back to Him. It doesn't matter if you're walking side by side with God or if you are on a completely different city, God loves you and wants to close that gap. He loves you and wants you to be with Him. He's calling you home, will you listen?

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, 
the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new has come!